In order to avoid long and cumbersome procedures that do not always have the expected result, it is important that at the end of an employment relationship (no matter what the cause may be) you request the employer certification of services and Cessation Or Salary Encumbrance duly made and certified by the Bank, social security, judicial or Attorney, as expressed in section 80 of The Employment Contracts Act.

Keep them. Having the Certifications and Book all the companies which you worked for, will considerably facilitate the granting of retirement when you have to deal with it, since this documentation is essential to obtain the benefit.

As mentioned above, Law Nº 24,241 establishes that the worker must meet two requirements: years of contributions and age, but should be noted if the worker does not comply with the age, but with the years of contributions, he may have the chance to stop contributing, covered by Decree N° 136/97 (also covered in case of disability or death).


Download the ready-to-print form. Observe ANSeS regulations, printing the front and back sides of the forms.

Certification of Servicies

Salary Encumbrance