ULAT was born as a result of significant efforts to improve the critical social security situation of the building worker, and arises as a result of entering an Agreement on Trade Union – Social Security Management between the Ministry of labour and Social Security and the Building Workers Union of the Argentina Republic, whose main objective is to promote participation in the processing of benefits and the defence of pension rights of our members.
This new tool that UOCRA has incorporated into its Social Network since 1999, is part of a program developed by ANSeS in order to optimize the services provided by this agency workers, as well as also to diversify the care units. In these places, the union members may receive information and advice on various benefits offered by ANSeS without attending the ANSES offices.
For the purposes of this service reaches building workers nationwide, a set of links to most of the Uocra offices has been developed in all provinces, allowing us to inquire and completing the retirement procedures of our building workers in almost the whole country.
Also, since year 2012 with have a new office, specially designed, with appropriate computer equipment and devoted to the attention of the growing demand of our building workers who enter the social security system every year in increasing number.