19587 (and its Decree 351): Technical specifications and regulations of Working Conditions and Environment. Download: Law Nº 19587 and Decree 351
22250: Incorporation of a new legal regime of work for building industry workers,Download: Law Nº 22250
24557: Determination of rights and obligations in an accident. It defines regulation and control bodies.Download: Act No. 24557
1338/96: Designation of professional hours (medical training and health and safety service) according to occupational factor.Download: Decree 1338/96
896/99: Essential requirements that personal protective equipment items marketed in the country must comply with. Download: Decree 896/99
911/96: Specifications and definitions of the health and safety regulations in the building industry. Download: Decree 911/96
Resolution Nº 503/2014 Download: Resolution 503/2014
231/96: Basic conditions of health and safety ... Sets time of provision of PPE. Download: Resolution 231/96
299/11: Sets PPE form indicating its standardization Download: Resolution 299/11
319/99: Compulsory implementation of occupational health and safety service. Download: Resolution319/99
35/98: Establishes a mechanism for the coordination in the drafting of security programs. It indicates skills and hierarchies between contractors. It establishes a mechanism for the implementation of security measures that will be used in the execution of duties at work. Download: Resolution 35/98
51/97: Establishes a mechanism for the implementation of security measures that will be used in the execution of duties at work. Download: Resolution 51/97
550/11: Applies a system of intervention by professionals, in stages of excavation, demolition and submuration. Download: Resolution 550/11
- Documents of ILO Conventions
- Document "WORKER’S POCKET MANUAL" UOCRA - UOCRA Foundation - IDB - IERIC - SRT (PDF file)