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The UOCRA says present at the Regional Committee meeting of the Building and Wood Workers’ International – (BWI)


  • The UOCRA says present at the Regional Committee meeting of the Building and Wood Workers’ International – (BWI)

The Argentine Building Workers Union (UOCRA) participated in the activities organized within the framework of the Regional Committee meeting of the Building and Wood Workers’ International – BWI- for Latin America and the Caribbean, from 06 to 10 October, 2012 in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, which was attended by the BWI highest authorities, its President, Mr. Klaus Wiesehügel and its Secretary General, Mr. Albert Yuson.

Activities of Regional Committee of the Building and Wood Workers’ International – BWI- for Latin America and the Caribbean were chaired by the UOCRA General Secretary and President of the Regional Committee, Gerardo Martínez were as follows:

The Regional Women's Committee headed by Ms.President. Marta Pujadas, together with BWI representatives and affiliated unions, met due to the Women's Conference: "Better Trade Unions, More Equity" and agreed strategies and actions in the face of the Strategic Plan 2010-2013 under its review towards the next 4 years.

The UOCRA also participated in the Seminar Organizing Trade Unions in Multinational Enterprises, where the different solutions that may arise to confront the forms of labour of multinational enterprises that are installed in the region, the anti-Union actions developed and strong policies for the reduction of labour rights of workers were exposed. Also it was strengthened the possibility to continue working on the creation of networks for the purposes of keeping track of these companies and to display and to counteract their anti-social policies. Likewise, actions on the strengthening of the trade union networks in the region, on migrant workers and on new legislation and national policies were agreed.

Regional Seminar on Occupational Health: the UOCRA was also present, through the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), together with leaders of the various Building Workers Unions from Latin America and the Caribbean affiliated to BWI. The objectives of the activity were related to the impact of occupational health on membership campaigns, proposals for the improvement of trade union delegates, among other actions.

The official delegation of the BWI Regional Committee met Mr. President of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay José Mujica and dealt with issues related to the political situation in Latin America and the Caribbean and the impact on the regional economies of the building industry.

Finally, activities culminated in the meeting of the BWI Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, chaired by Mr. Gerardo Martínez, who stressed the importance that the trade union movement has a stronger unified voice to discuss labor issues in the region against the new political structures and the current international scenario


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