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Representatives of the Institute of Labour Social Sciences of France visited UOCRA and explained about their experience in trade union training

II International Seminar on Youth-Related Issues in Buenos Aires

  • Representatives of the Institute of Labour Social Sciences of France visited UOCRA and explained about their experience in trade union training

Within the framework of the II Seminar on Youth-Related Issues called "The social issues relating to youth: uncertainty, just causes and enigmas of the future" French exhibitors Pantheón Sorbonne (Director of the Regional Institute of Labour) and Mario Correia, representative of the Economics and Sociology of Work Laboratory from the Aix-Marseille University visited UOCRA headquarters and were welcomed by our General Secretary, Gerardo Martínez.

Gerardo Martínez and members of CGT RA Foreign Affairs Secretariat, trade-union leaders from different associations such as José Luis Lingeri, head of the Water and Sanitation Works Trade Union; Rodolfo Daer, Food Trade Union; Juan Carlos Schmid, Dredging and Marking Trade Union; Héctor Daer, Federation of Health Workers Trade Union, among others participated in this event.

Both French scholars explained the scope, objectives and experiences of the Institute of Labour Social Sciences of France, created in the '50s, which operates with direct funding from the State of France and the national universities in the country, with the aim of providing education and training in different topics related to the world of work for trade union leaders with hierarchical ranks in trade union structures in that country.

Their speeches addressed different topics of interest as the current vision of labour relations, the situation of precarious workers, young people and migrants in the current world scenario and its implications on the European continent.

Also, progress was made on the agreement of a Consultancy agreement in order to replicate in our country an Institute of Labour Social Sciences and Trade Union action which will aim to operate in the same way the French model, developing training programs, training and cooperation between academics and trade unions, with the participation of trade unions, the CGT RA and the ILO with the ambition to make the future Institute an international reference in training and research on work related issues, supported by the ILO for the Southern Hemisphere.


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